Cursed Dullahan Bone

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Type Material
Weight 0.3
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Cursed Dullahan Bone is a Material in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Cursed Dullahan Bone is a bone taken from a fallen dullahan. Can be used to enhance equipment.


How to get Cursed Dullahan Bone in Dragon's Dogma 2

Cursed Dullahan Bone can be found as follows:

Enemy Drops:

Dullahan - 16% chance to drop 1
Dullahan - 10% chance to drop 1

Bought at Shops for gold currencies dragons dogma2 wiki guide35px 3000 gold:

  • Folkes (Available once the Dullahan immediately West of Ancient Battlefield has been defeated.)


Cursed Dullahan Bone Use in Dragon's Dogma 2

Cursed Dullahan Bone is used to Enhance the Following Equipment:

Vermundian Almace lvl3 (requires 1)
Elven Almace lvl3 (requires 1)
Vermundian Dragon's Dogma lvl3 (requires 2)
Elven Dragon's Dogma lvl3 (requires 2)
Battahli Silver Cinquedea lvl3 (requires 2)
Dwarven Silver Cinquedea lvl3 (requires 2)
Battahli Unused lvl3 (requires 2)
Dwarven Unused lvl3 (requires 2)
Battahli Wounded Heart lvl3 (requires 2)
Dwarven Wounded Heart lvl3 (requires 2)
Vermundian Black Matter lvl3 (requires 2)
Battahli Black Matter lvl3 (requires 2)
Elven Black Matter lvl3 (requires 2)
Dwarven Black Matter lvl3 (requires 2)
Vermundian Frosted Edges lvl3 (requires 2)
Battahli Frosted Edges lvl3 (requires 2)
Elven Frosted Edges lvl3 (requires 2)
Dwarven Frosted Edges lvl3 (requires 2)
Vermundian Battahli Scepter lvl3 (requires 1)
Battahli Battahli Scepter lvl3 (requires 1)
Elven Battahli Scepter lvl3 (requires 1)
Dwarven Battahli Scepter lvl3 (requires 1)
Vermundian Volant White lvl3 (requires 2)
Battahli Volant White lvl3 (requires 2)
Elven Volant White lvl3 (requires 2)
Dwarven Volant White lvl3 (requires 2)
Vermundian Talarian White lvl3 (requires 1)
Battahli Talarian White lvl3 (requires 1)
Elven Talarian White lvl3 (requires 1)
Dwarven Talarian White lvl3 (requires 1)
Vermundian Dinistrydd lvl3 (requires 1)
Elven Dinistrydd lvl3 (requires 1)
Vermundian Metered Catharsis lvl3 (requires 1)
Elven Metered Catharsis lvl3 (requires 1)
Vermundian Militant Dove lvl3 (requires 2)
Elven Militant Dove lvl3 (requires 2)
Battahli Grianmhar lvl3 (requires 2)
Dwarven Grianmhar lvl3 (requires 2)
Vermundian Fool's Prize lvl3 (requires 1)
Battahli Fool's Prize lvl3 (requires 1)
Elven Fool's Prize lvl3 (requires 1)
Dwarven Fool's Prize lvl3 (requires 1)
Vermundian Rhewynt lvl3 (requires 3)
Battahli Rhewynt lvl3 (requires 3)
Elven Rhewynt lvl3 (requires 3)
Dwarven Rhewynt lvl3 (requires 3)
Battahli Redolent Whisper lvl3 (requires 1)
Dwarven Redolent Whisper lvl3 (requires 1)
Vermundian Resonant Hymn lvl3 (requires 2)
Elven Resonant Hymn lvl3 (requires 2)
Battahli Daughter of the Evening lvl3 (requires 2)
Dwarven Daughter of the Evening lvl3 (requires 2)
Vermundian Fiendish Armet lvl3 (requires 1)
Elven Fiendish Armet lvl3 (requires 1)
Vermundian Monarch's Crown lvl3 (requires 1)
Elven Monarch's Crown lvl3 (requires 1)
Vermundian Blazing Soul lvl3 (requires 1)
Elven Blazing Soul lvl3 (requires 1)
Battahli Agamenian Galea lvl3 (requires 1)
Dwarven Agamenian Galea lvl3 (requires 1)
Vermundian Crusader's Helm lvl3 (requires 1)
Battahli Crusader's Helm lvl3 (requires 1)
Elven Crusader's Helm lvl3 (requires 1)
Dwarven Crusader's Helm lvl3 (requires 1)
Battahli Uncanny Eyes lvl3 (requires 1)
Dwarven Uncanny Eyes lvl3 (requires 1)
Battahli Living Altar lvl3 (requires 1)
Dwarven Living Altar lvl3 (requires 1)
Battahli Crown of Insight lvl3 (requires 2)
Dwarven Crown of Insight lvl3 (requires 2)
Vermundian Knightly Brigandine lvl3 (requires 2)
Elven Knightly Brigandine lvl3 (requires 2)
Vermundian Thrasher's Surcoat lvl3 (requires 1)
Elven Thrasher's Surcoat lvl3 (requires 1)
Battahli Dominator's Armor lvl3 (requires 2)
Dwarven Dominator's Armor lvl3 (requires 2)
Vermundian Creedbound Armor lvl3 (requires 1)
Battahli Creedbound Armor lvl3 (requires 1)
Elven Creedbound Armor lvl3 (requires 1)
Dwarven Creedbound Armor lvl3 (requires 1)
Battahli Sacral Robe lvl3 (requires 2)
Dwarven Sacral Robe lvl3 (requires 2)
Battahli Mysterial Robe lvl3 (requires 1)
Dwarven Mysterial Robe lvl3 (requires 1)
Vermundian Totemic Shroud lvl3 (requires 2)
Elven Totemic Shroud lvl3 (requires 2)
Vermundian Elven Garb lvl3 (requires 2)
Elven Elven Garb lvl3 (requires 2)
Vermundian Conqueror's Sabatons lvl3 (requires 1)
Elven Conqueror's Sabatons lvl3 (requires 1)
Vermundian Vigilant Greaves lvl3 (requires 1)
Elven Vigilant Greaves lvl3 (requires 1)
Battahli Vanguarder's Greaves lvl3 (requires 1)
Dwarven Vanguarder's Greaves lvl3 (requires 1)
Vermundian Venator's Leggings lvl3 (requires 1)
Battahli Venator's Leggings lvl3 (requires 1)
Elven Venator's Leggings lvl3 (requires 1)
Dwarven Venator's Leggings lvl3 (requires 1)
Battahli Scholar's Breeches lvl3 (requires 1)
Dwarven Scholar's Breeches lvl3 (requires 1)
Vermundian Runic Gaiters lvl3 (requires 1)
Elven Runic Gaiters lvl3 (requires 1)
Battahli Rapturous Raffia Skirt lvl3 (requires 1)
Dwarven Rapturous Raffia Skirt lvl3 (requires 1)
Vermundian Evergreen Greaves lvl3 (requires 1)
Elven Evergreen Greaves lvl3 (requires 1)



DD2 Cursed Dullahan Bone Notes & Tips

  • You can carry up to 99 of this item
  • You can gift this item. It will give 30 points of favor to an NPC that likes the item.


All Materials in Dragon's Dogma 2
Asp Toxiscale  ♦  Astracite  ♦  Beast-Skin  ♦  Black Crystal  ♦  Black Freakish Mane  ♦  Blackened Horn  ♦  Boltscale  ♦  Chopper Horn  ♦  Copper Ore  ♦  Copperstone  ♦  Dappled Ore  ♦  Darkscale  ♦  Dragon Scale  ♦  Eldricite  ♦  Electrum  ♦  Fell-Lord's Bone  ♦  Foaming Slime  ♦  Freakish Mane  ♦  Fuligin Ore  ♦  Goblin Horn  ♦  Gold Ore  ♦  Granite Medusa Bone  ♦  Great Griffin Claw  ♦  Greenish Slime  ♦  Griffin Pinion  ♦  Harpy Pinion  ♦  Jagged Bone  ♦  Knacker Horn  ♦  Leapworm Skin  ♦  Magick Medal  ♦  Miasmite  ♦  Minotaur Horn  ♦  Misshapen Eye  ♦  Monster Fang  ♦  Monster Hide  ♦  Ogre Spur  ♦  Ogre Talon  ♦  Oily Slime  ♦  Pointed Fang  ♦  Poison Pinion  ♦  Putrid Gold Tooth  ♦  Rabbit Pelt  ♦  Rattler Rockscale  ♦  Redwolf Fang  ♦  Rugged Bone  ♦  Saurian Scale  ♦  Saurian Tail  ♦  Scrap Iron  ♦  Silver Crown  ♦  Silver Ore  ♦  Sinister Fang  ♦  Slate-Colored Horn  ♦  Small Fang  ♦  Southron Iron  ♦  Spider Venom Sac  ♦  Spurious Wing  ♦  Sunstone  ♦  Twisted Pinion  ♦  Wailing Crystal  ♦  Whitecobble  ♦  Wormslife Crystal  ♦  Wyrmslife Crystal

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    • Anonymous

      I bought 2 from Folkes and hadn't killed the Dullahan (as stated as a requirement above). Initially he didn't sell them but I bought 2 black crystals and gold beetle, camped overnight and then he had them available buy. Saved me the bother of fighting a tough enemy at low levels and now have fully upgraded my weapon. Hope this helps someone out.

      • Anonymous

        if you got at least one, you can ask Ibrahim to duplicate it for you. this bones are rly rare so it will be much easier to dublicate, rather then farm

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